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Introducing The Cockiest Hockey Goal Ever Scored By This Little Dude In Russia

Gee. Zus. Christ. It takes years and years for most people to cultivate that level of disrespect. But little man over here is a disrespectful prodigy. Kid can’t be any older than 10 so let’s just to call our shot here with the timeline. 1st overall pick in the 2026 NHL Entry Draft. Will be seen palling around with Vladimir Putin for reelection purposes in 2030. That same year he will be on the Russian national team at the Olympics. They’ll probably be hit with another doping scandal by that point and considering Russia always wins gold in years which they don’t participate under their own flag, that’ll make this kid a gold medalist in 2030. He’ll probably find himself on the cover of NHL 2032 or some time prior to that. And then he’ll get his name on the Cup at some point right before heading back home to play out the rest of his career in the KHL and live like a king. Let’s just hope we don’t have another run in with the DevNest because I would love to look back on this blog in 2038 just to see how right I end up being.

But seriously. This has to be the cockiest goal I’ve ever witnessed. I’ve said a few times before here on Barstool Sports [dot] com that I’m starting to lose interest in the “Michigan” move. We see a few of them every year and with how skilled players are these days combined with stick technology, it’s just lose some of it’s allure. But to pull this move on a breakaway?

Are you kidding? And not only does this little savage opt to go with a wraparound on a breakaway, but he also makes sure to stuff it right underneath the crossbar. Hardly even celebrates afterwards either. Just throws a hand up in the air, drops down on a knee real quick and skates down the line. No big deal or anything. Just another day in the office for this kid. Now somebody get him a juicebox so he can gas up and be ready to do it all again next shift.
