
Miguel Angel Jimenez Won The British Senior Open But More Importantly He Wore Sunglasses Under His Hat The Whole Time

First off I want to congratulate Miguel Angel Jimenez on his victory at the Old Course. Huge win for The Mechanic. Especially considering he fended off Bernhard Langer who I’m pretty sure isn’t human. If you beat Langer at a champions tour event you should feel incredibly proud/lucky. It doesn’t happen all tht often. So big time congrats to Jimenez. I know Miguel Angel Jimenez has a checkered past with our guy Keegan Bradley but it’s hard not to like a guy who says things like this

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Love or hate the guy, that’s an amazing quote. Basically saying, “Yeah I had a bad round at the Masters but I still get to eat good, drink good, smoke good and fuck good so whatever” is some boss shit. That’s a level we should all be aspiring to get to at all times.

Second of all, and most importantly, what the hell?!?!? Who wears sunglasses UNDER their hat? I’ve never seen anything like that before. Never ever. There’s fashion forward and then there’s what Miguel Angel Jimenez showed us today. I audibly gasped when he took his hat off and there was a pair of shades under there. I was utterly speechless. I would’ve been less shocked if he had taken his hat off and there was another human head under there. Or a parrot. Or a squirrel. Or Zah. Never in a million years would I have guessed a pair of sunglasses. Did the crowd that was present gasp as well? Hard to tell from the video but I bet they did. There were probably women fainting in the crowd and children crying. What a move from The Most Interesting Man In Golf. Today he lived up to his nickname and then some.