
Elon Musk Calls The Diver Who Said His Submarine Was "A PR Stunt" A Pedophile......Wait What?

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What the hell is happening?!?!?! Elon Musk has lost his mind. Truly truly truly lost his mind. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a public meltdown quite like this. Elon went from the guy who was trying to help save kids in a cave (even though nobody wanted him to help) to calling the people who actually saved the kids pedophiles. That’s fucking crazy.

Remember yesterday when the diver who helped save the kids from the cave called Elon’s submarine a PR stunt and that Elon can stick the submarine where it hurts?

Well today Elon responded to that by calling the diver pedophile. Maybe a bit of an overreaction there. And by overreaction I mean totally and completely uncalled for. There’s something seriously wrong with Elon Musk. He’s lost his fucking mind. It was one thing when he was making grand promises and not following through on them. Those were fun to poke fun at cause everybody was calling him Iron Man when he was really just a fraud. He’s now reached an entirely different level of insane. People are starting to realize what kind of person he actually is and he’s pissed. Lashing out with wild Twitter rants and calling a literal hero “pedo guy” cause the guy said his sucky submarine sucks. Sit the next couple plays out, Elon. Or just sit out forever.