
Hosung Choi On The Asian Tour Has A WILD Golf Swing And I Love It

Listen I’m in no position to make fun of someone’s golf swing. My golf swing is crazy looking itself. I look like I’m trying to take a poop on the ground every time I swing. It’s not ideal. It doesn’t look great but it’s somewhat effective. The same can be said for Hosung Choi’s WILD swing. It’s not the prettiest thing in the world but hey, he’s playing golf for a living and we’re not. I’ll even go as far as to say I love Hosung Choi’s swing. It’s swagtastic is what it is. Swinging out of his damn shoes.

It’s even got a nickname already

The Fisherman’s Swing. Love it. I love it even more than I loved it before. I’m a huge Hosung Choi fan. Always have been since 25 minutes ago.

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