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Iceland's World Cup Pump Up Video Is a Mix Between Planet Earth and an Oscar Award Winning Motion Picture

All in. I don’t care at all about the World Cup really besides Mexico beating Germany, because fuck Germany, but Iceland has sold me. I was already in when I found out they don’t have a professional soccer league in their country and their coach used to be a dentist, but that video has me ready to run through a wall. How long did that video take to make? A full year? James Cameron watched that and is scrambling to kill the director because he can’t hold a candle to that guy. To incorporate the Icelandic viking clap to cars driving by each other and other random sounds is genius. There’s just people out there way smarter than you or I.

It’s also worth noting the goalie who saved Messi’s penalty kick over the weekend is a film director when he’s not playing soccer. Messi, arguably the best soccer player of all time, thwarted by a film director. Iceland.

It’s impossible to not root for these guys.

Also they have quite a few attractive people rooting them on.

And they brought 10% of their population to the World Cup. That’s fucking insane.


Iceland Forever. See everyone Friday at 11 AM against Nigeria.