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The Time Is Now To Bring Back Pro Beach Hockey

It’s 2018, people. Think about all of the incredible shit that human beings have accomplished at this point. We’ve cured polio. We’ve (allegedly) put a man on the moon. Yet somehow we’ve been on this planet for thousands of years and we still don’t have an actual, real life version of ESPN8 that airs random ass sports throughout the summer to take us from the end of the Stanley Cup/NBA Finals to the start of football season. I know there was like a day or a weekend last year where ESPN8: The Ocho became reality but it needs to be a mainstay in the months from June to September.

But at the very least, Pro Beach Hockey needs to make a comeback. It’s been damn near 20 years since the last PBH game was played. Think about that. Think about how many new PBH fans are just waiting out there to be introduced to this glorious game.


You’ve got the ramped surface behind the net. You’ve got the two point line. You’ve got a bunch of grown men playing roller hockey with a ball instead of a puck and being able to blast the shit out of that thing. I can guarantee you right now that if you started up a new Pro Beach Hockey league, you’d make millions upon millions of dollars. Hell, I don’t even know why I’m giving anybody else the idea to bring it back right now. Barstool should create the league and find a way to merge it together with Rough N Rowdy. Hell, maybe even bring back the Blackout Tour for a little bit and just throw some weekend festivals with all 3 events going at once. Tell me that wouldn’t be the best weekend of your life.

Regardless, the sports world deserves something new to get us through June to September. I know the World Cup and US Open are both going on right now but all you’d need for the PBH would be 2 days. Give us some games to watch on the weekends and then maybe broadcast a game on Wednesday nights to get people over the hump. I don’t know who I need to talk with to get the ball rolling on this one but I’m making way too much sense here to just let this idea go. Let’s get this thing going.

Oh, and I also NEED to get my hands on a Salsa jersey. What a gem.

