
In Honor of Today’s Belmont Stakes, This Is My Favorite Call in Sports History


Justify will go for the Triple Crown at Belmont later today, so I wanted to write this to acknowledge what is my favorite call in sports history. Obviously, there are the classics, “The Giants win the pennant!”, “Down Goes Frazier!”, “Matteau, Matteau, Matteau!”, “Do you believe in miracles? Yes!”, “History at Shinnecock!”, etc.

But my personal favorite is Larry Collmus’ call of American Pharoah winning the Triple Crown at Belmont in 2015.

Goosebumps every single time. Just an unbelievable, historic call. The whole race and call is exciting and I’d watch the whole video because the build up helps the payoff at the end, but starting at around 2:10 before they get into the final furlong is the best part.

“And they’re into the stretch, and American Pharoah makes his run for glory as they come into the final furlong. Frosted is second. With one-eighth of a mile to go, American Pharoah’s got a two length lead. Frosted is all out at the sixteenth pole. And here it is! The 37-year wait is over! American Pharoah is finally the one! American Pharoah has won the Triple Crown!”

Every announcer dreams of getting a big moment like that, and if you’re a race caller, you obviously can’t beat calling a Triple Crown to break a 37(!) year drought. Well, Larry Collmus nailed it, and while he may not get the recognition he deserves for it, it’s definitely my personal favorite that I ever heard live, and I’d put it up there with the all-time classics.

@TomScibelli on Twitter