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New York Newspaper Headline Showdown: Kim Kardashian Visits President Trump At The White House

Did The Post do it again or did The Post do it again? Riggs blogged about this picture yesterday and nailed it when he said that picture was the epitome of America in 2018. It would be something our kids will see in text books one day. The most accurate snapshot of the lay of the land in the United States today, even though you would have broken somebody’s brain if you traveled back in time 5 years and showed them this picture.

Which is why the Front Page Picassos at the Post had to bring their A-game today. And they did. Trump Meets Rump is perfect. Simple, satisfying, a little smutty, and most importantly rhymes. Don’t discount the rhyming. In this time of political strife, that headline should make you giggle no matter where your party allegiances lie. But it’s the little things that separates The Post from all the other newspapers. Those papers would print the papers once they got that A+ headline down. But not The Post. They threw Kim Thong Un and The Other Big Ass Summit on top and went from an All-Star headline to an MVP headline. Wordplay for days and puns for weeks. That’s what moves papers in a digital world and keeps the lights on at places like Dunder Mifflin.

Now lets take a look at what the Daily News brought to the breakfast table this morning.

Swing and a miss, Daily News. Swing and a big miss. That headline isn’t even the best Kim Jong Un reference in this blog. That goes to the Post’s B-headline. If you don’t want to be looked at as the Mets of newspaper headlines in this town, you gotta do a better than that when a picture like that drops from the heavens hours before you have to start printing the rags.

Final Ruling: The winner….and STILL Championnnnnn of the world. The New York Post!

And yes this is all patently absurd