
The World's Best Whistler Can Whistle Your Girl's Panties Off

I’m pretty sure this video is new but if it isnt, I need to blog it anyway. Have you ever heard something so beautiful in your fucking life? Have you ever heard something that makes it feel like you are in heaven with longtime Stoolie St Peter and the rest of disciples? I have. It’s the whistle bro. He can absolutely whistle his dick off and send you straight to the pearly gates.

Everybody in the audience knows it. Look at these mere mortals.

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That kid knows what he wants to be when he grows up and it’s standing right in front of him.

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This dude is about half a second from whipping his dick out and beating its brains in over this whistling machine. I’ve never seen a man get wet before but that dude is as wet as they come. Fart lube? I dunno if that was a thing but it certainly is now.

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Absolutely wants a new dad.

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She’s wondering if her bra matches her panties. Would it matter? That set will be on the floor before you know it and he’d be whistling sweet nothings in her vagina until the cows cum home. Whistlelingus.

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She’s ready to peg the shit out of our pal. Incredible. He’d love it!

Goodness. What a whistle. Have a good afternoon, folks. Give that whistle a try. It’s fun for the whole family.